Tidewell Hospice
Lakewood Ranch, FL
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Lakewood Ranch, FL
Tidewell Hospice stands as a pillar in the communities it supports. Its mission of “providing care, comfort, and compassion” relies heavily on the design of their facilities for both the sake of their residents as well as staff. WBRC Architects also wanted to provide a higher level of safety to the building occupants so the design of the facility was conducted in a manner that would allow a shelter-in-place option at even a Category 5 hurricane.
Construction of the facility was done utilizing masonry walls and light gauge metal trusses. In an effort to allow for future expansions, a 3,600 square foot space was provided as a “shell” that will be built-out later as Tidewell’s needs change.
The Silver LEED standard was met by implementing the following systems: Cisterns to harvest rainwater from the roofs to reuse for irrigation, truck filling and washing down the Apparatus Bay floors, Daylight is harvests with the use of solar tubes to illuminate the interior corridors during the day. The metal roofing is a high albedo roof to reflect the sun so as not to create excessive heat, all landscaping is drought tolerant native vegetation. Irrigation is from harvested rainwater with a potable water backup, tankless water heaters augmented by passive solar hot water tanks.
Stephen K Collins P.E. - Engineer of Record (Prior Firm Experience)